Thursday, June 2, 2016

Find out if Your Daily lifestyle and Habits Cause Cancer - A Must Read!!!

Want to know how your daily lifestyles and  Habits can Cause Cancer ? please read this very infomative artcle below.
>>>With the incessant cases of terminal diseases like myriad types of cancer and high cost of health care, it is imperative for us to know some habits that make us vulnerable to the deadly disease.
Here are some answers to the commonly asked questions about cancer. This might just be of help to you.
 Do artificial sweeteners cause cancer?

There is no proof that sweeteners raise risk of cancer. Researchers however, say that saccharine did cause cancer in rats, but their bodies react to it differently than ours. For now there has not been a cancer warning label on it since 2000, but it is important to note that these supposedly natural sweeteners marketed as healthy, are actually synthetic substances.


Air pollution causes over 220,000 lung cancer deaths worldwide a year (most of them in Asia). There’s also a link between dirty air and a higher risk of bladder cancer. But the odds for any one person are low. To cut your chances, try to stay inside on days when the air quality is poor.

Your dentist covers you in a lead blanket for a reason, because even low doses of X-rays can raise your chances of getting cancer, but only by a small amount. In general, the higher the dose of radiation, the more risk you are in. However, there is no amount of this kind of radiation that is totally safe.

If you feel your day does not really start until you have had a shot of caffeine, you will love this. New research shows that drinking moderate amounts of coffee (around four cups daily), lessens the risk of some types of cancer. Among them are skin, liver, and colon cancer.
Cell phones

Small group of people using cellphones together
Cell phones have become a part of us that we can not do without. Did you know that this Gadget we carry all day, gives off the same type of energy as microwave ovens?  Cell phones are capable of causing some level of harm to us. So far, it has not been linked to cancer, but just to be safe, use hands-free devices, or save it for short chats.
Whether it is processed or red, you need less of it in your life. Just one hot dog a day could boost your chances of getting colon cancer.  Luncheon meats, cold cuts, and hot dogs all have preservatives called nitrites, which cause cancer. Smoking meats or cooking them at a high temperature creates compounds called Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, PAH. Studies are under way to see how they affect people.
Bottled Water

If your bottle is clear plastic, it probably has Bisphenol A, BPA. This chemical is used in food and drink containers, dental sealants, and other products. Does it cause cancer?  Researchers say NO. BPA is safe at current levels found in foods. If you are concerned, avoid canned foods and store chow and drinks in clear plastic. For hot food, use glass or steel instead of clear plastic.

Common Sexually transmitted infection can cause cervical and other cancers. Most adults who have sex will get this virus at some point, but they will not all get cancer. Most of the time, Human Papilloma Virus, HPV, goes away by itself. To lower your risk: Get vaccinated if you are a female aged 11-26, or a male aged 11-21. Use condoms during sex, if not, stick to one healthy partner.
This compound is found in water and other drinks and in food, toothpastes, and mouth rinses. Though many studies have looked for links between it and cancer, most researchers says there is no strong tie. If you are worried about it, you can ask the Nigerian Water Board how much is in your drinking water. If it is high, switch to bottled spring water, which usually has the least.
Power Lines

Anything that makes, sends, or uses electricity, gives off Extremely Low Frequency, ELF radiation. There is no proof that it causes cancer. Still, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences says there is cause for “limited concern.” To be safe, stay at least an arms length away from electrical devices.  You need to be extra careful if you live close to a power line.

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